Mount Goode Day Hike

It has been a frustrating year in the Sierras for me. My schedule never afforded me the chance to get out for any length of time. Day hikes were my only option. The weather was also consistently bad on the weekends. Monsoons from Arizona moved northeast throughout the summer, creating terrible thunderstorms in the Sierras. I saw a weather window open and decided to take a Friday off and day hike Mount Goode. Friday morning, I got on the road by 4:00 am, got to the South Lake Trailhead by 8:30 am, hiked to the summit, and drove home the same day. The hike is only eight miles round trip to a beautiful summit – although I almost hiked to the wrong summit that most people call Mount “No Goode.” It’s an easy mistake to make. As I approached the summit, that false summit looked higher than the real one, but this was an optical illusion. Aside from some minor route funding, it was a great day of Sierra Therapy. It was a long day, but worth all of the driving.

Elevation Profile

Route Map